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Are you a Self Sabotage Queen?


Do you find yourself watching other people around you that you know or online strangers succeed, seemingly having it all and find yourself always feeling like "when is it my turn?"

So I'm going to give you a bit of tough love here, YOU are more than likely standing in your own way!

Although let me back track here, it's not really you, its your self sabotaging alter ego who lives in your mind and rears their meddling head every so often (for some of us more often than others.) I want you to think of this self sabotager as your Disney villain- your nemesis who may on the surface look like they are trying to help you but really they are just tricking you into not riding off into the sunset of your dream life......have I lost you? Stick with me!

We all have moments of self doubt, it's human nature to question things so that is totally normal, but we run into issues when we allow the self doubt to take over our lives, to stop us from chasing our dreams.

Self Sabotaging can show up in pretty much any aspect of our lives, I have seen it in my own life in my career, starting projects and not finishing them because I tell myself they will fail, or not going for that dream job because "what's the point, I'll never get it". It can also show up in our personal lives, I have ended long term happy relationships because the little voice (my Disney villain - let's call her Samantha shall we) in the back of my mind nagged me over and over that one day he would wake up and realise I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't "The One", I mean how could I be, I'm nothing special.

Any of this sounding familiar? If it is you are more than likely experiencing self sabotage and let me tell you now, IT"S NOT YOUR FAULT, there's nothing wrong with you and you are not alone in this, but let's start to work on conquering your Villain.

*First things first, notice that it is just that- an alter ego/ villain/ part of your brain that is not the voice of reason or truth, give it a name if you want. That way when it starts nattering away telling you that you are not worthy you can start to say "I see you Samantha, I know you're not the truth and I'm not going to listen to you"

*Remember that you have just as much right as those you see succeeding to succeed at what you want to do, you are just as worthy to have the life you want to have. Everyone started as a beginner at everything they've ever done.

I hope that you know you are not alone in how you feel, and I hope that gives you hope that you can learn to unpick these thoughts, to unlearn the self sabotaging ways.


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